Micky Braun & Jeff Crosby
Micky Braun first climbed on stage to join his father’s family band when he was about five-years-old, played on the Jay Leno Show and has never stopped. Micky and brother Gary left their Idaho home for Austin and started Micky & The Motorcars, a road-dogging favorite whose nonstop tour for the last 23 years has defined not just the lives of the brothers, but also shaped Austin’s roots-rock resurgence playing out over the last two plus decades. Micky has often written with Jeff Crosby, in fact, “Thank My Mother’s God” is a song Jeff brought to Micky. “It’s a storyline based on a person that never could find his place in religion because of the demons and addictions he has wrestled with his whole life, but all along knowing that someone has been watching after him through his trials and tribulations.”
Jeff Crosby left home at 17 to pursue a life of original music making. He hit a songwriting turning point at 22 in Los Angeles, having written two songs for Sons of Anarchy. A high-energy guitar savant, he’s played for Widespread Panic and Reckless Kelly in addition to writing with and for Willy Braun (Reckless), The Mother Hips and more. ArrowCreek and Reno residents know him as a brilliant guitar player, songwriter and performer. Having these two old friends and collaborators on our stage will be a unique and compelling event!
Interview with brother Gary — Rodeo Girl at 2:20
Here’s Jeff in an interview — “Out in the Country” at 1:30